Couponis is one of a kind theme which is designed to serve coupons either submitted by your users or imported via XML/CSV file from the affiliate network or both. Theme is designed to be super fast and not to add any stress to WP queries while providing best features at the same time. With the help of WP All Import plugin ( free version is enough ) you are able to import any coupons via XML/CSV file provided by your affiliate network.
优惠券是一种主题,旨在提供优惠券,无论是由您的用户提交或通过 XML/CSV 文件从联盟网络导入或两者兼而有之。主题的设计是超级快,而不是添加任何压力 WP 查询,同时提供最好的功能在同一时间。随着 WP 所有进口插件的帮助下(免费版本就足够了),你可以通过 XML/CSV 文件导入任何优惠券由您的联盟网络提供.
- 欢迎来到主题派官网,主题源码,插件,模板下载。所有主题及插件资源不负责技术支持,售出不退!

- 2¥
- 5¥
- 10¥
- 20¥
- 50¥
Couponis v3.1.9 -联盟&提交优惠券 WordPress 主题 为主题派网版权所有,转载请注明出处,所有资源不提供技术支持。压缩包先解压,然后把主题和插件重新分别压缩再上传到网站,才能正常使用。