Gon is suitable for e-commerce websites. We have included multiple layouts for home page, product page to give you best selections in customization. Gon is not just a WooCommerce theme, we had a plan in order to develop Gon for any kinds of websites: Business, Creative, News, Corporate, ...
Gon 适用于电子商务网站。我们为主页、产品页面提供了多种布局,为您提供最佳定制选择。Gon 不仅仅是一个 WooCommerce 主题,我们有一个计划,以便为任何类型的网站开发 Gon:商业、创意、新闻、企业......
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/gon-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/13573615
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Gon v2.3.4 - 响应式多用途主题 为主题派网版权所有,转载请注明出处,所有资源不提供技术支持。压缩包先解压,然后把主题和插件重新分别压缩再上传到网站,才能正常使用。
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