WP Rocket 官方针对此问题提供了一个自定义预缓存参数的插件,我们下载插件然后设置插件内的预缓存参数即可。
插件内只有 2 个文件,一个是wp-rocket-preload-change-parameters.php一个是 README.md
README.md 我们忽略即可,这个是说明文件。
打开 wp-rocket-preload-change-parameters.php 文件
里面有 3 个参数可更改:
1.缓存请求数:默认 30
2.请求间隔时间:默认 120 秒
3.请求间延迟:默认 0.6 秒
可以设置为请求数 10 次,请求间隔时间 120 秒。
<?php /** * Plugin Name: WP Rocket | Change Preload Parameters * Description: Reduce the CPU usage by changing the default Preload parameters (batch size, interval, pause between requests) * Plugin URI: https://github.com/wp-media/wp-rocket-helpers/tree/master/preload/wp-rocket-preload-change-parameters/ * Author: WP Rocket Support Team * Author URI: http://wp-rocket.me/ * License: GNU General Public License v2 or later * License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * Copyright SAS WP MEDIA 2022 */ namespace WP_Rocket\Helpers\static_files\preload\change_parameters; // Standard plugin security, keep this line in place. defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die(); /** * 1) BATCH SIZE * Change the number of URLs to preload on each batch, 45 is the default. * A lower value can help the server to work on fewer requests at a time */ function preload_batch_size( $value ) { // change this value, default is 45 urls: $value = 10; return $value; } add_filter( 'rocket_preload_cache_pending_jobs_cron_rows_count', __NAMESPACE__ .'\preload_batch_size' ); /** * 2) CRON INTERVAL: * Set the desired cron interval in seconds * By setting a higher value the server will have more time to rest between processing batches. */ function preload_cron_interval( $interval ) { // change this value, default is 60 seconds: $interval = 120; return $interval; } add_filter( 'rocket_preload_pending_jobs_cron_interval', __NAMESPACE__ .'\preload_cron_interval' ); /** * 3) DELAY BETWEEN REQUESTS: * This is the delay between requests. A higher delay will reduce the CPU usage. * Default is 0.5 seconds (500000 microseconds) */ function preload_requests_delay( $delay_between ) { // Edit this value, change the number of seconds $seconds = 0.6; // finish editing // All done, don't change this part. $delay_between = $seconds * 1000000; return $delay_between; } add_filter( 'rocket_preload_delay_between_requests', __NAMESPACE__ .'\preload_requests_delay' );

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WP Rocket 缓存插件,预缓存参数调整,降低资源占用 为主题派网版权所有,转载请注明出处,所有资源不提供技术支持。压缩包先解压,然后把主题和插件重新分别压缩再上传到网站,才能正常使用。