Keep your site safe from hackers! Brute force attacks and malicious bots are no match for Defender's mighty WordPress security shields and cloaking technology. Defender's regular security scans, vulnerability reports, audit logs, 2-factor authentication, safety recommendations, blacklist monitoring, IP lockout device, simple security tweaks, core, plugin and theme code checker and login masking are too much for even the most wily villain.
保护您的网站免受黑客攻击!暴力攻击和恶意机器人无法与 Defender 强大的 WordPress 安全防护和隐身技术相媲美。Defender 的定期安全扫描、漏洞报告、审计日志、2 因素身份验证、安全建议、黑名单监控、IP 锁定设备、简单的安全调整、核心、插件和主题代码检查器以及登录掩码,即使是最狡猾的恶棍也无法承受。
Features 特征

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