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The7 is the most customizable WordPress, Elementor, and WooCommerce theme available on the market up to date. It gives you creative freedom that no other theme can match. No matter if you are a beginner or a pro, a website owner, a creative professional, or a digital agency - The7 offers tremendous power and unparalleled value to everyone.
The 7 是迄今为止市场上最可定制的 WordPress,Elementor 和 WooCommerce 主题。它给你的创作自由,没有其他主题可以匹配。无论您是初学者还是专业人士,网站所有者,创意专业人士还是数字代理商-The 7 为每个人提供了巨大的力量和无与伦比的价值。

The7 is designed to work in synergy with Elementor and WooCommerce. But it is so much more than the sum of the parts!
The 7 旨在与 Elementor 和 WooCommerce 协同工作。但它比部分的总和要多得多!

If you have ever tried to build a website header or customize a product page with vanilla Elementor, you know what pain it is. But not with The7. We have crafted a comprehensive set of tools to build unique headers, product lists, and individual pages - you can target literally any part of your website. And do so without writing a single line of code.
如果你曾经尝试过使用 vanilla Elementor 构建网站标题或自定义产品页面,你就知道这是多么痛苦。但不是第七。 我们精心制作了一套全面的工具来构建独特的标题,产品列表和单个页面-您可以针对网站的任何部分。而且不需要写一行代码。

You will not find a theme, a plugin, or any other tool that can match the level of customization The7 offers.
你不会找到一个主题,一个插件,或任何其他工具,可以匹配的定制 The 7 提供的水平。

The7 packs all the features you expect from a modern multipurpose theme and much more! Here are some of them:
7 包的所有功能,你期望从一个现代多用途的主题和更多!以下是其中的一些

#1 Selling Theme for Elementor on ThemeForest.net
#1 销售主题 Elementor 上 ThemeForest.net

The7 is the most popular theme for Elementor on ThemeForest. It is trusted by over 270,000 users. And this, in turn, means that The7 is very well tested, dependable, and offers features that other themes do not have.
7 是 Elementor 在 ThemeForest 上最受欢迎的主题。它受到超过 27 万用户的信任。这反过来又意味着 The 7 经过了很好的测试,可靠,并提供了其他主题所没有的功能。

Moreover, it is fully compatible with PRO Elements - Elementor Pro free alternative. So you can save some serious $$ on it!
此外,它与 PRO Elements 完全兼容- Elementor Pro 免费替代品。所以你可以节省一些严重的$$上!

Therefore The7 is the best choice if you are looking for an Elementor theme.
因此,如果您正在寻找一个元素或主题,The 7 是最好的选择。

It is FAST! 它是快速的!

Multipurpose WordPress themes are inherently slow. This makes sense, as the more features (often unused) you have, the slower your website becomes.
多用途 WordPress 主题本身就很慢。这是有道理的,因为你拥有的功能(通常未使用)越多,你的网站就越慢。

The7 features deep integration with the free Fast Velocity Fast Minify plugin. It optimizes the website’s HTML, CSS, and JS code page-by-page, which results in wickedly fast websites and excellent Google Page Speed ratings.
7 功能与免费的快速速度快速缩小插件深度集成。它优化了网站的 HTML,CSS 和 JS 代码逐页,这导致了邪恶的快速网站和优秀的谷歌页面速度评级。

Pre-made Websites to Kick-Start Your Project

Pre-made Websites (or Demo Sites) not only showcase the theme features and capabilities but can also be used as a foundation for your website. You can mix and match them, install and uninstall, import individual pages, and fully customize them to your needs and likings. Check them out here.

Complete Site Builder 完整的网站建设者

Elementor is a great page builder. However, it falls flat on its back when it comes to building a header or customizing a WooCommerce page.
Elementor 是一个很棒的页面构建器。然而,当涉及到构建标题或自定义 WooCommerce 页面时,它会福尔斯平躺在背上。

We have extended the Elementor with new widgets and capabilities that let you build modern dynamic headers, interactive mega menus, hero sections, sliders, customize your WooCommerce and archive pages, and much more!
我们已经扩展了 Elementor 的新部件和功能,让您可以构建现代动态标题,交互式大型菜单,英雄节,滑块,自定义您的 WooCommerce 和存档页面等等!

Comprehensive Design System and Theme Style

The Design System feature allows the quick change of the typography and colors across an entire website.

And advanced Theme Style editing lets you target the default styles of your website. E.g., general typography, headings, buttons, forms, etc.

In practice, this means that you can install a pre-made website and quickly customize it to fit your design needs, which is a further quality-of-life improvement not available when using vanilla Elementor.
在实践中,这意味着您可以安装一个预先制作的网站,并快速自定义它以满足您的设计需求,这是使用 vanilla Elementor 时无法获得的生活质量的进一步改善。

Bespoke Widgets 定制小部件

We have altered many standard widgets and created a whole range of new ones (we call them “The7 Elements”) in order to enhance and extend the Elementor.
我们已经改变了许多标准的小部件,并创建了一系列新的小部件(我们称之为“The 7 Elements”),以增强和扩展 Elementor。

The7 Elements includes (but is not limited to): 26 general content widgets (full list and demo are available here), 24 WooCommerce widgets, and 22 Theme Builder widgets.
The 7 Elements 包括(但不限于):26 个一般内容小部件(完整列表和演示可在这里),24 个 WooCommerce 小部件和 22 个主题生成器小部件。

Simple Custom Post Type Builder

Like many other themes, The7 always came with built-in post types for a portfolio, team, clients, etc. But what if you need to alter an existing post type or make a duplicate?
像许多其他主题一样,The 7 总是为投资组合,团队,客户等提供内置的帖子类型。但是如果你需要改变现有的帖子类型或复制一个呢?

In the new version, we’ve gone a bit further and created a very simple post type builder. Now you can edit existing or create your own post types and display them with our universal masonry, list, grid, and carousel widgets. What’s more, our post types are fully compatible with the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin. So the possibilities are truly limitless. And no coding is required!
在新版本中,我们更进一步,创建了一个非常简单的 post 类型构建器。现在您可以编辑现有的或创建自己的文章类型,并使用我们的通用砖石、列表、网格和旋转木马小部件显示它们。更重要的是,我们的文章类型与高级自定义字段(ACF)插件完全兼容。所以可能性是无限的。而且不需要编码!

Extended WooCommerce Integration
扩展 WooCommerce 集成

WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce software on the planet. And The7 takes it to a whole new level. Your online shop no longer has to look like many others! You can create fully custom storefronts, product pages, product lists, shopping cart, checkout, and more! Again, this is not something available in other Elementor themes.
WooCommerce 是世界上最流行的电子商务软件。而 The 7 将其提升到了一个全新的水平。你的网上商店不再像其他人一样!您可以创建完全自定义的店面,产品页面,产品列表,购物车,结帐,和更多!同样,这在其他 Elementor 主题中是不可用的。

Oh, and have we mentioned the advanced product filters available only in The7?
哦,我们有没有提到先进的产品过滤器,只有在 7?

WPBakery Page Builder and Ultimate Addons Are Not Forgotten
WPBakery 页面生成器和终极插件不会被遗忘

WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) was THE page builder for WordPress once. And Ultimate Addons was the ultimate extension for it. Times have changed, but WPB still has a strong following. And though we are focused mainly on Elementor nowadays, The7 remains the most popular choice for this page builder.
WPBakery 页面生成器(以前的 Visual Composer)曾经是 WordPress 的页面生成器。Ultimate Addons 是它的终极扩展。时代已经改变,但 WPB 仍然拥有强大的追随者。虽然我们现在主要关注的是 Elementor,但 The 7 仍然是这个页面构建器最受欢迎的选择。

Free Updates and Support 免费更新和支持

Since its first release in 2013, we’ve constantly been updating The7 to ensure its compatibility with the newest WordPress, introducing new features, etc. These updates are free for all The7 buyers.
自 2013 年首次发布以来,我们一直在不断更新 The 7,以确保其与最新 WordPress 的兼容性,引入新功能等。

We also provide free customer support even when your support period on ThemeForest is expired. (Provided you are not abusing it.) No recurring membership or other hidden fees!
我们还提供免费的客户支持,即使您在 ThemeForest 上的支持期限已到期。(只要你不滥用它。) 没有经常性会员或其他隐藏费用!

White Labeling Tool 白色标签工具

The white labeling tool allows you to rename The7, change its thumbnail, theme info, etc. This feature is handy if you want to customize The7 with your own branding.
白色标签工具允许您重命名 The7,更改其缩略图,主题信息等。如果您想用自己的品牌自定义 The7,此功能非常方便。

Multilingual and Translation Ready

The7 is 100% translation ready. In fact, it is already translated into 10+ languages. And if you want to build a multilingual website, the theme is fully compatible with the widely popular WPML plugin.
7 是 100%的翻译准备。事实上,它已经被翻译成 10 多种语言。如果你想建立一个多语言网站,这个主题完全兼容广泛流行的 WPML 插件。

SEO-ready and Mobile Friendly
SEO 就绪和移动的友好

The theme is compatible with a wide range of search engine optimization plugins, including Yoast SEO. It is also certified by Google as mobile-friendly.
该主题兼容广泛的搜索引擎优化插件,包括 Yoast SEO。它也被谷歌认证为移动友好。

$174+ Worth of Premium Plugins Included
包括价值 174 美元以上的高级插件

The following premium plugins come bundled with The7 for free: Slider Revolution, WPBakery Page Builder, Ultimate Addons for WPB, Convert Plus, and Go Pricing Tables.
以下高级插件与 The 7 免费捆绑在一起:Slider Revolution,WPB 页面生成器,WPB 终极插件,Convert Plus 和 Go Pricing Tables。

Please note that you get these plugins and permission to use them on your The7-powered website, but you don’t receive dedicated licenses, demo content, etc. This is true for ALL themes on ThemeForest.
请注意,您可以获得这些插件并在 The 7 支持的网站上使用它们的权限,但您不会收到专用许可证,演示内容等。

Discount Built Into the Price

We took our marketing budget and decided that instead of spending it on paid reviews and fake comments, we would pass it down to our customers as a discount. Therefore The7 is up to 44% cheaper than other top-selling themes on ThemeForest.
我们拿出营销预算,决定不把它花在付费评论和虚假评论上,而是把它作为折扣传递给我们的客户。因此,The 7 比 ThemeForest 上其他畅销主题便宜 44%。

... and much, much more!

Need some help? 需要帮忙吗

Have you faced a problem? No worries – our premium-class customer support team is always there to help you at https://support.dream-theme.com/

Please note that: 请注意:
1. Support requests are being processed on business days from 8:00 to 17:00 (GMT 0.0), (usually) within 24h, in the order, they were received.
1.支持请求将在工作日 8:00 至 17:00(GMT 0.0)(通常)24 小时内按照接收顺序进行处理。

2. Requests received via comments, personal messages, email, Twitter, or FaceBook will take much longer time to process and can even be not processed at all!
2.通过评论、个人消息、电子邮件、Twitter 或 Facebook 收到的请求将需要更长的时间来处理,甚至可能根本不处理!

Recent updates 最近更新

v. (Oct 1, 2024) v. 年 10 月 1 日)

Fixed missing WooCommerce templates issue due to the transition to Full Site Editing.

v.12.0.0 (Sep 30, 2024) v.12.0.0(2024 年 9 月 30 日)

1. Early access to native Full Site Editing (FSE) mode. 
2. Native Block Editor (FSE) demo: https://the7.io/block-editor-demo/

Made the vertical submenu visible in the MegaMenu.

Bug Fix:
Fixed the issue of image blinking on variation changes.

Сhangelog for v.11 can be found here.
V.11 的日志可以在这里找到。

Kindly note that in accordance with international laws, as well as the national laws of Ukraine and the United Kingdom, our services are not available in states considered as terrorist or recognized as sponsors of terrorism. Our servers are not accessible from IP addresses and domain names originating from these states. Additionally, please be advised that we will not be able to provide any refunds corresponding to such cases.
请注意,根据国际法以及乌克兰和联合王国的国家法律,我们的服务不适用于被视为恐怖主义或被确认为支持恐怖主义的国家。我们的服务器无法从这些国家的 IP 地址和域名访问。此外,请注意,我们将无法提供任何退款相应的情况下。



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