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Nonprofit Charity WordPress Theme – Act
非营利慈善机构 WordPress 主题 – 行动

Act is a Retina Display Ready Multipurpose Nonprofit Charity WordPress Theme built with HTML5 & CSS3. It is perfect for nonprofit website that you can use it for any professional company or any small groups,which aim to collect donations.Taking the specific features which is explained comprehesively in the documentation below into consideration,be sure that you are on the right place.
Act 是一个 Retina Display Ready 多用途非营利慈善机构 WordPress 主题,使用 HTML5 和 CSS3 构建。它非常适合非营利网站,您可以将其用于任何旨在收集捐款的专业公司或任何小团体。考虑到以下文档中全面解释的特定功能,请确保您在正确的位置。

One Click Demo Installation – Creating your website has never been much easier ever. If you would like to have your demo just like ours, all you need to do is just to click the ‘One Click’ demo importer. With the help of the ‘one Click’, your website will be seen like ours saving your time.You can also change easly any elements you wish on your website.
一键式演示安装 – 创建您的网站从未如此简单。如果您想像我们的演示一样拥有您的演示,您需要做的就是单击“一键”演示导入器。在“一键式”的帮助下,您的网站将被视为像我们的网站一样,从而节省您的时间。您还可以轻松更改网站上所需的任何元素。

Unlimited Color – you can find any kind of color options you are looking for and can use them at any part of your own webiste.
无限颜色 - 您可以找到您正在寻找的任何类型的颜色选项,并可以在您自己的网站的任何部分使用它们。

Woocommerce – Act has the specific features that you can sell your stuff via woocommerce plugin.
Woocommerce–Act 具有特定的功能,您可以通过 woocommerce 插件出售您的东西。

Crowdfunding System – We are,as a designer of Act,clearly aware of the fact that it is difficult to find a fund for project.In this regard,you will be able to get the money you need from anyone who care about your website with the help of Crowdfunding System.
众筹系统 – 作为 Act 的设计者,我们清楚地意识到很难为项目找到资金。在这方面,您将能够在众筹系统的帮助下从任何关心您网站的人那里获得所需的资金。

Shop Pages – Act allows you to create related beautiful shopping pages in one click.You have the ability to change the number of the shopping pages or add anything you desire to take place on your pages.
商店页面 - Act 允许您一键创建相关的精美购物页面。您可以更改购物页面的数量或添加您希望在页面上发生的任何内容。

Donate Section – You can get any donation on your website from the ones who runs your blog.
捐赠部分 –您可以在您的网站上从运行您博客的人那里获得任何捐款。

Unlimited Google Font – Act has a great number of google font that you can customize any element inluding title,subtitle,body etc. in your website.
无限的谷歌字体 - 法案有大量的谷歌字体,您可以自定义网站中的任何元素,包括标题,副标题,正文等。

Blog Shortcodes – You are able to add any customized visual elements like with the help of shortcode Act has.
博客简码 - 您可以添加任何自定义的视觉元素,例如借助简码 Act。

Easy Installation and Demo Data - Act presents much more simplicity to you in order to create your own website considering your needs.In this regard,what you exactly need to do is to import your data in o click at first and then just to copy your content into the pre-made templade and finally you get and run the same website in a few minutes.
易于安装和演示数据 - Act 为您提供了更简单的方法,以便根据您的需求创建自己的网站。在这方面,您真正需要做的是首先在单击中导入数据,然后只是将您的内容复制到预制模板中,最后您可以在几分钟内获得并运行相同的网站。

Easy to Customize – You have the controll over your website because Act presents a simple but comprehensive options including change color or fonts for its clients.
易于定制 - 您可以控制您的网站,因为 Act 提供了一个简单但全面的选项,包括为其客户更改颜色或字体。

Revolution Slider - If you want to give the ability to your website to be seen fully touch screen,we definitely recommend you to use our great sliders which already exist in Act.You dont have to purchase them from anywhere else.
革命滑块 - 如果您想使您的网站能够完全触摸屏,我们绝对建议您使用我们出色的滑块,这些滑块已经存在于 Act 中,您不必从其他任何地方购买它们。

Translation – Act has the .po files which means you can translate website into any language you like.
翻译 - Act 有.po 文件,这意味着您可以将网站翻译成您喜欢的任何语言。

Advanced Theme Options Panel – You can build your own layout though the use of amazing page builder of our admin pannel.
高级主题选项面板 - 您可以通过使用我们管理面板的惊人页面构建器来构建自己的布局。

Contactform 7 – thanks to the plugin of contact form,you have the capability of establishing a form page with the easy usage of the plugin as you wish and you can get all messages by your clients as an e-mail as well.
联系表单 7 –借助联系表单的插件,您可以根据需要轻松使用插件建立表单页面,并且还可以通过电子邮件获取客户的所有消息。

Support – We have a professional and dedicated support team for your all questions regarding our theme.We try to do our best in respect to serving you by replying your question in a great way and on time.So let us know if you any one.
支持 – 我们拥有专业且敬业的支持团队,可解决您有关我们主题的所有问题。我们尽力为您提供服务,以良好的方式及时回答您的问题。因此,如果您有任何一种,请告诉我们。

Theme Features 主题特点

  • Elementor Page Builder 元素页面生成器
  • WPBakery Page Builder WPBakery 页面生成器
  • Revolution Slider 旋转滑块
  • GiveWP Donation 捐赠 WP 捐赠
  • Stripe Donation 条纹捐赠
  • Paypal Donation PayPal 捐款
  • Offline Donation 线下捐款
  • Crowdfunding System 众筹系统
  • Woocommerce Plugin 呜插件
  • Color Customization 颜色定制
  • Shop Pages 商店页面
  • Donate Section 捐赠部分
  • Revolution Slider 旋转滑块
  • Event List Page 活动列表页面
  • Events Details Page 事件详细信息页面
  • Events Calendar 活动日历
  • Advanced theme option panel
  • Blog Ready 博客就绪
  • Blog Post Type(Audio,Video,Image)
  • Blog With Sidebar 带侧边栏的博客
  • Blog Layouts 博客布局
  • Blog Shortcode 博客简码
  • Unlimited Google Fonts 无限的谷歌字体
  • Typograhy Option (Font-family,Font-size,font-color etc.)
  • Easy Installation and demo data
  • Supported Contactform 7 支持的联系表格 7
  • Services 服务业
  • Built in Bootstrap 3
    内置引导程序 3
  • Parallax Background 视差背景
  • Optimized Code 优化代码
  • Mobile Responsive 移动响应
  • Tablet Responsive 平板电脑响应式
  • Font Awesome 字体真棒
  • Simple & Easy to Use/Customize
  • Working Contact Form 工作联系表
  • Google Map 谷歌地图
  • Well Documented 有据可查

Coming Soon 即将推出

  • Woocommerce (added) Woocommerce(已添加)
  • Events List Page(completed)
  • Events Details Page(completed)
  • Events Calendar(completed)
  • Revolution Slider(completed)
  • Causes Page and Crowdfunding System(completed)
  • Video Tutorial(completed)
  • Stripe Donation(completed)
  • WPBakery Page Builder(completed)
    WPBakery 页面构建器(已完成)
  • GiveWP Donation(completed)
  • Coming Soon Template 即将推出模板


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  • 5
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  • 50


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