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酷奇酷奇  2023-04-16 17:59 主题派 隐藏边栏 |   抢沙发  12 
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今天我们整理了 16 个最棒的 WordPress 婚纱摄影网站主题,希望大家喜欢。



“Marriage” is our second wedding related theme after “Our Wedding page”. We have decided to create for this one a responsive layout to make it look better on all devices including mobiles. The design is a minimal one with nice simple colors and custom web fonts to match the wedding event.


GeekLove is a beautiful, clean, minimal and responsive WordPress theme for wedding. It’s even more beautiful on retina displays. With an elegant design and rich features GeekLove allows you to create a website for your wedding in minutes!


Planning on getting married? Don’t forget to setup your wedding site using The Wedding WordPress theme. The Wedding features an elegant and classy look to give your wedding site an outstanding look. Setup your wedding site now using The Wedding theme.


Wedding Album Premium WordPress Theme is the best variant for professional photographers and modern artists to share with people their art. The combination of white/dark space with a light/dark background reflects the classic direction of photography and art at all. Simple and compact-structured layout allows you and your visitors to orient on the web-site with easiness, each separate part of the theme is customizable in order to meet your needs. Nice image galleries outputting, which can be provided with calm music, ability to add video in slides keep your visitors definitely satisfied and impressed.


Hitched is a responsive, retina-ready WordPress theme designed for couples who want a beautiful website to celebrate their wedding day, or any website that needs a romantic touch. Hitched is a 2-for-1 deal, with two gorgeous colour schemes: A darker version featuring complementary tones of charcoal and peach; and a light version combining shades of chocolate, pink and peach. Both colour schemes also have three separate background textures, so you can choose the combination that works perfectly for you.


Vintage Wedding Theme is a responsive layout WordPress theme with fluid grid system that adapts any viewing environment (mobile/tablet or desktop). It has 11 Page Templates and 12 Widget Areas. Search Engine Friendly, W3C Markup Validated.


Check out this awesome, modern and easy to customize one page wedding invitation website. It is designed for young couples who are looking for something different then standard online invitation cards. It’s modern, it’s playful, it’s extraordinary, it’s perfect for both of you!


Wedding is modern and elegant wordpress theme perfect for wedding websites. This theme also suitable for personal, portfolio and gallery websites.


Gittys is a Wedding Event WordPress Theme. It’s super simple. It has a responsive design meaning your content will be displayed beautifully on all mobile devices.

Please notice: we will continue this article in future time.

Updated by: kp@thetop16.com



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16 个最棒的 WordPress 婚纱摄影网站主题 为主题派网版权所有,转载请注明出处,所有资源不提供技术支持。压缩包先解压,然后把主题和插件重新分别压缩再上传到网站,才能正常使用。
酷奇 关注:0    粉丝:0 最后编辑于:2023-05-20

