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wordpress 主题

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这篇赞助文章是由我们的内容合作伙伴 BAW Media 创建的。 感谢您支持使 SitePoint 成为可能的合作伙伴。

Overworked, overstressed, and flat out fed up with starting every website design from scratch? Here are some WordPress theme solutions you’ll appreciate.

过度劳累,压力重重,平淡无聊,无从下手开始每个网站设计? 这是您将欣赏的一些 WordPress 主题解决方案。

Maybe you need to switch to an easy-to-use theme — a WordPress theme that’s crazy-fast and gives you reliable performance may be your cup of tea.

也许您需要切换到易于使用的主题-疯狂的 WordPress 主题,为您提供可靠的性能,这可能就是您的最佳选择。

Tired of having to build your websites from scratch? It’s totally unnecessary unless for some reason you absolutely want to.

厌倦了从头开始构建您的网站? 除非出于某些原因,否则这是完全没有必要的。

Before you blame yourself for the situation you find yourself in, consider this: maybe it’s the tools you’re using. You may be trying to build a house without the use of power tools, scaffolding, or helpful aids.

在为遇到的情况指责自己之前,请考虑以下问题:也许这是您使用的工具。 您可能试图在不使用电动工具,脚手架或辅助工具的情况下盖房子。

One of the following 15 top WordPress themes should prove to be the solution to your problem. In fact, more than one of them could probably serve quite nicely.

以下 15 个 WordPress 顶级主题之一应被证明是解决您的问题的方法。 实际上,其中一个以上可能会很好地发挥作用。

Grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started.


This biggest-of-them-all multipurpose WordPress theme can’t be beaten in terms of the huge array of “power” tools and design elements it places at your disposal. BeTheme is fast and flexible. It’s easy for beginners to work with. If trying to satisfy multiple clients has become more stressful than rewarding, BeTheme has a solution for that as well.

这个最大的多功能 WordPress 主题在您可以使用的大量“强大”工具和设计元素方面无法被击败。 BeTheme 快速而灵活。 对于初学者来说,这很容易。 如果想要满足多个客户的压力比获得奖励的压力更大,BeTheme 也可以提供解决方案。

Be’s selection of 500+ customizable, responsive pre-built websites is the highlight and a proven stress reducer. These professionally crafted, pre-built websites cover 30 industry sectors, all the common websites, and an impressive range of business niches.

Be 精选了 500 多个可自定义的响应式预建网站,这是其亮点​​和行之有效的减压方法。 这些经过专业设计,预制的网站涵盖了 30 个行业领域,所有常见网站以及令人印象深刻的一系列业务领域。

They also have UX features and functionalities built into them, potentially saving you a ton of design time.

它们还具有内置的 UX 特性和功能,有可能节省大量的设计时间。

  • BeTheme uses the popular Muffin Builder 3 page builder, with WPBakery as an option.

    BeTheme 使用流行的 Muffin Builder 3 页面构建器,并且可以选择 WPBakery。

  • There’s a Layouts Configurator if you really want to, or absolutely have to, build a page from scratch.

    如果您确实想要或绝对必须从头开始构建页面,则可以使用 Layouts Configurator。

  • It has a Shortcode Generator and a large selection of shortcodes that, together with Be’s drag and drop features, eliminates the need for coding.

    它具有一个短代码生成器和大量的短代码选择,再加上 Be 的拖放功能,无需进行编码。

  • Be’s powerful Admin Panel provides unmatched flexibility.

    Be 强大的管理面板提供了无与伦比的灵活性。

I have purchased 4 of these themes at this point. Love the speed and build of them. Only wish list item would be a way to categorize and tag pages like you can with posts. — sharkyh2o

目前,我已经购买了其中 4 个主题。 爱他们的速度和建立。 仅希望列表项将是一种对页面进行分类和标记的方法,就像可以使用帖子一样。 — sharkyh2o

Click here and browse Be’s impressive collection of pre-built websites.

单击此处 ,浏览 Be 令人印象深刻的预建网站集合。

Total is another stress-reducing theme. This flexible and easy-to-use WordPress theme has been around for a while and has amassed a user base of 41,000 happy customers.

道达尔是另一个减轻压力的主题。 这个灵活易用的 WordPress 主题已经存在了一段时间,并且已经积累了 41,000 个满意客户的用户群。

  • Total is drag and drop and it doesn’t require coding to build exactly the type of website you have in mind.

    Total 是拖放操作,不需要编码即可完全构建您想要的网站类型。

  • Total is also developer friendly thanks to its system of hooks, filters, and snippets.

    借助钩子,过滤器和代码片段系统,Total 对开发人员也很友好。

  • There are more than 500 advanced customizing options available, plus 100+ page-builder elements and design modules to work with and 40+ pre-built demos to get any project off to a solid start.

    有 500 多种高级自定义选项可用,另外还有 100 多个页面构建器元素和设计模块可以使用,以及 40 多个预构建的演示使任何项目都可以扎实地开始。

  • You won’t be burdened by third-party plugins either, since this WooCommerce-ready theme is compatible with all WordPress plugins.

    您也不会受到第三方插件的负担,因为这个支持 WooCommerce 的主题与所有 WordPress 插件都兼容。

  • Very Friendly


  • Very Simple


  • Clean Code


  • Good Flexibility


  • Cool Elements


  • Excelent custom panel


  • Good integration with WooCommerce

    与 WooCommerce 的良好集成

Love this theme, it can do everything I need including shops, in a very good and easy way. — soswebdesign

喜欢这个主题,它可以用一种非常便捷的方式来完成我需要的一切,包括商店。 — soswebdesign

Click here to discover if Total is the solution you’ve been looking for.

单击此处查找 Total 是否是您一直在寻找的解决方案。

If you choose a best-selling theme, chances are it’s going to relieve rather than add to any stress you may be encountering. Avada is such a theme.

如果您选择最畅销的主题,那么它很有可能会缓解而不是增加您可能遇到的压力。 Avada 就是这样一个主题。

  • Its Dynamic Content System provides unmatched flexibility.


  • Avada integrates totally with WooCommerce and includes product design drag and drop capabilities.

    Avada 与 WooCommerce 完全集成,并包括产品设计拖放功能。

  • 55+ pre-built websites are included to get you off to a fast start.

    包括 55 个以上的预建网站,可帮助您快速入门。

Great theme! As my first WordPress theme, it offers many options and continues to improve! — nwilger

很棒的主题! 作为我的第一个 WordPress 主题,它提供了很多选择,并且会不断改进! — nwilger

Click here to find out more about this best-seller.


Featuring the most beautiful designs for WordPress is what many web designers will tell you about TheGem. What really gets them excited, however, are the tools that come with the package.

许多网页设计师会向您介绍有关 WordPress 的最精美设计的有关 TheGem。 但是,真正使他们兴奋的是软件包随附的工具。

Those same designers will tell you that TheGem is the ultimate WordPress toolbox. To name but just a few of the goodies, you’ll find:

那些设计师会告诉您 TheGem 是终极的 WordPress 工具箱。 仅列举一些好东西,您会发现:

  • plenty of pre-built, one-click installable websites


  • over 400 modern and trendy design templates

    超过 400 种现代时尚设计模板

  • a ready-to-go fashion store


Great theme and great service. — bepreoo

很棒的主题和一流的服务。 — bepreoo

Your very own ultimate toolbox is just a click or two away.

您自己的终极工具箱只需单击两下即可 。

Bloggers, freelancers, and creatives of all types, plus small businesses and agencies, will benefit from making this ThemeForest bestseller with its 60K+ sales their theme of choice. This is doubly true if you need to create a portfolio or magazine-style website or any type or style of a page.

各种主题的博客,自由职业者和创意者,再加上小型企业和代理商,都将受益于这个主题森林的畅销书,其 60K +以上的销量成为其主题。 如果您需要创建投资组合或杂志风格的网站或任何类型或样式的页面,则这是双重事实。

Features include:


  • a powerful front-end editor


  • adaptive image and advanced grid systems


  • WooCommerce compatibility and single product design and display features.

    WooCommerce 兼容性以及单一产品设计和显示功能。

The star of the show is Uncode’s showcase of user-created websites. They tell a story of what Uncode could do for you, plus they are a source of inspiration.

展览的明星是 Uncode 展示的用户创建网站。 他们讲述了 Uncode 可以为您做什么的故事,并且它们是灵感的来源。

Nice code, good support, design possibilities are endless. — zoutmedia

好的代码,良好的支持,无限的设计可能性。 — zoutmedia

Visit Uncode and browse its showcase of user-built websites.

访问 Uncode 并浏览其用户构建网站的展示。

There are some website types that a multi-purpose theme simply can’t help you with — usually because of unique and special features that are required. For the realestate sector, as an example, using a theme like Houzez is a must. Houzez’ unique functionalities include:

某些网站类型的多功能主题根本无法为您提供帮助-通常是由于所需的独特功能和特殊功能。 例如,对于房地产行业,必须使用像 Houzez 这样的主题。 Houzez 的独特功能包括:

  • advanced property searching


  • flexible property listings formatting


  • a property management system


In addition, this drag and drop theme can easily be customized to match a realtor’s business model.


I really love the function and the appearance of the theme. — stuffmartusa2

我真的很喜欢主题的功能和外观。 — stuffmartusa2

If you happen to have a realtor for a client, look no further.

如果你碰巧有一个客户一个房地产经纪人, 不要再观望 。

There’s really no need to start designing an online store from scratch if you have a ready-to-go shop you can tweak to get what you want. What if you have 80 of those ready-to-go stores? That’s what XStore gives you, together with a host of demos for various products, $300 worth of premium plugins, and a powerful, single-product page builder.

如果您有一家现成的商店,您可以进行调整以获得所需的东西,那么实际上就不需要从头开始设计在线商店。 如果您有 80 家这些现成的商店怎么办? 这就是 XStore 给您的,以及各种产品的大量演示,价值 300 美元的高级插件以及功能强大的单产品页面构建器。

How’s that for streamlining your workflow?


As always, a 5 star! I bought this theme the third or fourth time so far… really loving it. The new update from 6.0 is awesome. — edvin33

一如既往的 5 星! 到目前为止,我第三次或第四次购买了这个主题……真的很喜欢它。 从 6.0 开始的新更新很棒。 — edvin33

Click here and browse the 80 ready-to-go stores.

单击此处 ,浏览 80 家现成的商店。

Looking for a theme that meets the special needs of publishers or bloggers? With Typer you can create a publishing WordPress site that will accommodate multiple authors.

寻找符合发布者或博客作者特殊需求的主题? 使用 Typer,您可以创建一个可容纳多个作者的 WordPress 发布站点。

Typer’s 100% Gutenberg optimization gives you the support you want to publish your blog posts, while the Elementor page builder makes it a snap to create attractive, professional-looking landing pages.

Typer 的 100%Gutenberg 优化为您提供了要发布博客文章的支持,而 Elementor 页面构建器使您可以轻松创建具有吸引力,外观专业的着陆页。

  • No coding knowledge is needed


  • Typer is optimized for speed


  • Typer gives you unlimited Header styles and unique page and post options

    Typer 为您提供无限的页眉样式以及独特的页面和帖子选项

You can also rely on premium support should you ever need it.


Amazing design – one of the best looking minimal themes I’ve found recently. And, support has been incredible. — bloggingwizard

惊人的设计-我最近发现的外观最好的最小主题之一。 而且,支持是不可思议的。 — bloggingwizard

Click here if building a publishing site is your objective.

如果您的目标是建立发布站点,请单击此处 。

If your method of picking a theme that perfectly meets your needs is to put on a blindfold and you happen to pick Bridge, you’ll have a winner! Bridge is a perfect theme for just about anyone, be it a beginner or an established pro. This best-selling creative theme that serves 120,000 happy users offers:

如果您选择一个完全满足您需求的主题的方法是蒙上眼睛,而您恰巧选择了 Bridge,那么您将获得胜利! Bridge 是几乎任何人的理想主题,无论是初学者还是老手。 这个热销的创意主题可以为 120,000 名满意的用户提供服务,它可以:

  • open-ended flexibility and customizability


  • an immense collection of design elements and design aids


  • 420+ pre-made websites

    420 多个预制网站

  • sliders and plugins, including WooCommerce and the choice between two powerful page builders — WPBakery and Elementor.

    滑块和插件,包括 WooCommerce 以及两个强大的页面构建器之间的选择-WPBakery 和 Elementor。

I’ve bought some themes on ThemeForest, but this is the one that I prefer. It’s incredible. — joaebobe

我已经在 ThemeForest 上购买了一些主题,但这是我更喜欢的主题。 太不可思议了 — joaebobe

Click here to learn more.


The testimonial says it all. Brook, with its impressive design tools and features, is a web designer’s dream theme. The package comes with pre-made templates galore, a selection of premium site-building plugins, design elements, and shortcodes.

鉴定书说明了一切。 Brook 具有令人印象深刻的设计工具和功能,是 Web 设计师的梦想主题。 该软件包随附了丰富的预制模板,精选的高级站点构建插件,设计元素和简码。

You’ll also quickly find that Brook is:

您还将很快发现 Brook 是:

  • SEO friendly

    SEO 友好

  • superfast at loading


  • easy to use and easily customizable


A library of support tutorials is there as well to help you along.


There are many positives on this template, from code quality to customization ease, to customer support! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! — rodeospot

从代码质量到易于定制,再到客户支持,此模板都有许多优点! 强烈推荐!!! —牛仔竞技场

Visit the site and check out the video tutorials to learn more.


What makes a WordPress theme smart, and clever like a fox? A talented author or design team obviously has something to do with it, but the main reason is attention to detail. TheFox is smart because its designers attended to the minutest of details to achieve what they were after — a multi-purpose theme with a solid track record and a whole host of satisfied users.

是什么使 WordPress 主题聪明,像狐狸一样聪明? 一个有才华的作者或设计团队显然与此有关,但是主要原因是注重细节。 TheFox 之所以精明,是因为其设计人员会注意最细微的细节,以实现他们追求的目标–一个具有可靠记录和大量满意用户的多功能主题。

A very powerful theme with incredible flexibility. Their support is always helpful as well on the occasions I need help with something on the theme. — logo24

一个非常强大的主题,具有令人难以置信的灵活性。 在我需要有关主题方面的帮助时,他们的支持也总是很有帮助。 — logo24

Click here to learn more about the smartest WordPress theme of all.

单击此处以了解有关所有最聪明的 WordPress 主题的更多信息。

If you’re planning to build a WooCommerce store, a company website, or even a blogging site, Hongo could offer precisely what you need. This relatively new WordPress theme sports a modern, refreshing look. In the package you’ll find:

如果您打算建立 WooCommerce 商店,公司网站甚至博客网站,Hongo 可以提供您所需要的。 这个相对较新的 WordPress 主题具有现代感和清新感。 在软件包中,您将找到:

  • a whole host of demos, design elements, and templates


  • the popular WPBakery page builder

    流行的 WPBakery 页面构建器

  • custom shortcodes


  • one-click demo import.


One of the best themes, simple to customize and very functional. Well done. — creopolitan

最好的主题之一,易于定制且功能强大。 做得好。 — creopolitan

Take a closer look at Hongo to see how it can help you.

仔细看看 Hongo ,看看它如何为您提供帮助。

13. Pofo:创意组合,博客和电子商务 WordPress 主题 (13. Pofo: Creative Portfolio, Blog and eCommerce WordPress Theme)

Pofo is an excellent choice for anyone needing to build and launch an engaging, award-winning online portfolio. It’s no secret that a good portfolio design can be a key factor leading to a business’s success.

对于需要构建和发布引人入胜,屡获殊荣的在线产品组合的任何人来说,Pofo 都是一个绝佳选择。 好的投资组合设计可以成为导致企业成功的关键因素,这已不是什么秘密。

  • Pofo is blazing fast and fully responsive

    Pofo 在快速而全面地响应

  • Pofo is 100% Gutenberg compatible

    Pofo 与古腾堡 100%兼容

  • You’ll find an impressive array of home and demo pages, design elements, and premium plugins


  • The package also features the WPBakery page builder, Revolution Slider, and plenty of online documentation.

    该软件包还包含 WPBakery 页面构建器,Revolution Slider 和大量在线文档。

I purchased this template to create my online portfolio. So far, it has been amazing! The design is very modern and looks great across all platforms. But most of all, I’m not an expert at web design and their customer support has been phenomenal. — meganyam

我购买了此模板来创建我的在线投资组合。 到目前为止,真是太神奇了! 该设计非常现代,在所有平台上看起来都很棒。 但最重要的是,我不是 Web 设计专家,他们的客户支持非常出色。 — ny

Click here to find out more about this premium portfolio website builder.


Schema is not your ordinary multipurpose theme. While its many features are similar to what is found in most premium themes of this type, there’s one significant difference that can make investing in Schema a wise decision. It’s Schema’s unique SEO functionality, which:

模式不是您的普通多用途主题。 尽管它的许多功能与大多数此类高级主题中的功能相似,但有一个重大差异可以使对 Schema 的投资成为明智的决定。 这是 Schema 独特的 SEO 功能,该功能:

  • knows what search engines are looking for


  • guides the search engines through your site


  • checks for clean code and checks page load time.


All in the interest of improving your site’s ranking.


Easy to customize and support is great. — fmueller01

易于定制且支持很棒。 — fmueller01

SEO design problems? Check Schema out.

SEO 设计有问题吗? 签出纲要 。

15. Leadinjection:WordPress 登陆页面主题 (15. Leadinjection: WordPress Landing Page Theme)

While any web designer or developer can make good use of this theme, Leadinjection is an especially valuable tool to have if you’re in charge of maintaining several websites.

This is because Leadinjection makes the typically tricky problem of adding a new page to an operational site easy. Leadinjection is also WordPress multisite compatible, WPML and translation ready, and conversion focused.

这是因为 Leadinjection 使得向操作站点添加新页面这一通常棘手的问题变得容易。 Leadinjection 还兼容 WordPress 多站点,WPML 和翻译就绪,并且着眼于转换。

Fast Support. … I could not even finish my beer. … Love the backend and I look forward to more business with this company. — brianskolnick

快速支持。 …我什至无法喝完啤酒。 …热爱后端,我期待与该公司开展更多业务。 — brianskolnick

Add this useful tool to your designer’s toolbox.


结语 (Wrap Up)

Although the emphasis of this article may seem to be on multipurpose themes, most of those listed have one or more unique features. These features could prove to be especially valuable to you. If you’re a beginning designer, a multipurpose theme is usually a best bet.

尽管本文的重点似乎是多用途主题,但列出的大多数主题都具有一个或多个独特功能。 这些功能可能对您特别有价值。 如果您是新手设计师,那么多用途主题通常是最好的选择。

If you’re more advanced or have a number of clients to satisfy, you may want to look more closely at which each theme has to offer that the others may not. In any event, we hope you’ve found something that will ease your workload and eliminate any stress you’re experiencing.

如果您更高级或需要满足许多客户,则可能需要更仔细地研究每个主题必须提供的主题,而其他主题则不能。 无论如何,我们希望您找到了可以减轻工作量并消除任何压力的东西。

Please share this article with a fellow designer or on social media. We’d love to hear about the results of your shopping experience.

请与其他设计师或社交媒体分享本文。 我们希望知道您购物体验的结果。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/top-wordpress-themes/

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